Friday, May 22, 2009

Biggest Marketing Mistakes in a Down Economy

Everybody has heard the news about the economy. It has struck fear in most people and business owners. In talking to most of my business owner friends, they are cutting expenses. Our business has been doing extremely well because we threw more money into our marketing efforts. During a down economy since most business owners are cutting marketing, your ads become more noticeable with less competition and cheaper as advertisers become more desperate for business.

Here's a list of three of the biggest marketing mistakes

1) Poorly Written Ads - Nothing is more expensive than a poorly written ad. A poorly written ad is a total waste of money. I squeeze four things into my ads to make them effective - Strong Headline, Body explaining how we can solve a specific problem, A call to action or offer, and testimonials

2) Lack of Consistency - Mistake number two is a lack of consistency. I've seen many business owners run an ad once and quit thinking that it doesn't work. Most prospects need to see advertisement 5 to 7 times before they take action.

3) Cutting Marketing Budget - In a poor economy, most businesses are tempted to cut their marketing budget. Cutting your marketing budget makes you almost invisible to your prospects, not a good thing in a poor economy. You should increase your marketing during a down economy to ensure that you are touching the people that are likely to buy.

Through successful marketing, you will continue to attract a wave of new customers. Also, making sure that you track the success of each source. We use separate trackable phone numbers for each ad source.