Monday, May 18, 2009

$1000 Worth of Business Coaching for Free

Over the last few years, I have paid monthly for over $1000 in business coaching. Just recently, I dropped all of my coaching.

Well, at the beginning, I thought it was very valuable and made huge gains in my business. As I advanced and constantly improved my business, I found that most of the coaching was becoming re-runs of systems that I already implemented. It was like taking a 101 course in college over and over again.

Then, last year, I accepted a higher level of coaching that was business specific. They promoted the coaching as a masterminding session for like-minded individuals with a strict application process. I thought the idea was great, but the reality was different. I found that these business owners had the same problems as the lower level coaching, but were willing to pay more for the prestige of being a member of the group and them promoting your school as highly successful (even through, most of the schools were struggling).
So there I was, listening to the 101 level stuff again but this time, I had a bunch of members asking me questions all the time.

Here's some observations that you can get the $1000 worth of business coaching for free...
1) Lower Level Memberships give the most value - It seems that the lower level memberships provide the most value, but business owners don't act on it. By implementing at least one idea a week, you will rocket your business to the top of the pack. I went from $1000 a month to less than $200 and receive the same value.
2) Participate in forums - There are many business forums out there. Start to participate in them with productive advise. If you find one with good business owners participating, you will receive tons of free advice to draw from.
3) Listen in on free business teleconference calls - Many of these are free because the facilitator is trying to gain business for paid memberships. I found that the information given on these teleconference calls is just as good as the paid memberships.
4) Watch the coaching advertising - Since getting high paying clients is difficult, most coaching programs have excellent marketing. If you are on their list, carefully study their marketing. Watch for the methods of contact and how each piece of marketing that makes you feel ~especially the piece that make you want to join. By replicating their marketing in your business, you will stimulate more business for free and receive valuable coaching on marketing.
5) Read Business Related Books - Since the goal of an book author is to sell books, they produce better content than any other source. My experienced showed that most coaching is attempting to sell you a higher level membership so the message and coaching is interlace with this purpose. Instead of getting your business rockin', they constantly promote the next thing stating that this system will make you rich.