Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Power of Focus

I took the Anthony Robbins 30 day Personal Power II program. I highly recommend this program to all my reader. The investment is well worth it.

I especially liked Disc 6 which talks about the power of focus. Our focus determines the results or outcomes in our life. We can access tremendous power by controlling the focus of our minds. Our focus depends on how we evaluation thing and an evaluation is nothing more than questions we ask yourselves on a daily basis.

Disempowering Versus Empowering Questions

We have a constantly rolling movie of thoughts in our heads called self-talk. When we evaluate our personal situation, our self talk comes in the form of questions. These questions can be disempowering or empowering.

Disempowering questions are questions that leave us feel helpless and do not offer solutions to our current situation. For example, asking yourself, “Why am I not making enough money?” “How did I get so much in debt?” are disempowering questions. As you can see, these questions are self defeating, and ineffective.

Empowering questions stimulate your mind to think of solution to our problems. Examples of empowering questions are “How can I make more money, today?” “What activities can I do today to make more money?”

Amy Bass: Real Life Example of the Power of Empowering Questions

Her and her husband had accumulated a substantial debt of $72,900. After reading, Dave Ramsey’s book, The Total Money Makeover, Amy decided to make a change. Instead of asking the disempowering question "How am I ever going to pay down this debt?", she asked the empowering question, "How can I make more money to pay down this debt?" With four kids, she decided to make her money through online marketing and through online programs like CashCrate. The best is that you can follow her progress online at her blog, www.mydebtfreegoal.com which I found to be a treasure trove of terrific information.

30 Day Challenge: Your List of 5

After listening Anthony Robbin’s idea about the power of focus, I took the idea and applied it by using what I call my “list of 5”. Everyday, I ask myself the empowering question, “What money making tasks can perform today?” I write the tasks down in my Franklin Planner and rank them in order of importance. Then, I start with the most important and continue down the list with the intent to complete at least 5. This List of 5 has really driven some awesome results over the summer. Summer is usually a slow time in my industry. With the list of 5, I created alternate sources of revenue like a Summer Camp and stayed focused on marketing activities like flyer runs, public demonstrations, postcards, etc.

My challenge to you is to try my List of 5 idea for 30 days and let me know if you experience any results by commenting below.

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