Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Key Strategy: Becoming the Obvious Expert

Elsom Eldridge Jr. and Mark L. Eldridge co-wrote a must read book called, How to Position Yourself As the Obvious Expert.(Click on the picture to get your copy) Becoming the obvious expert in my community is one of my key strategies in building a million dollar business and I will speak about it often.

Three reasons to becoming the Obvious Expert in your business

1. Increase in leads – You will automatically attract more prospects by increased referrals. Since starting to work on this strategy, I have had new students arrive with at my doors and they tell me that they heard our school is the best around. Many times, they were referred by people that never took my classes!

2. Command a Higher Customer Value – People expect to pay more for an expert. Everyone’s heard that old adage, “you get what you pay for.” Higher tuition rates/ prices also make giving special discounts easier and customers appreciate them more.

3. Hear Less Sale Objections & Higher Lead Conversion – Most prospects are sold on your business’s value before walking in the door.

Keys to positioning yourself as the Obvious Expert

1. Define your Unique Selling Proposition – What makes you unique from your competition?

2. Get Published – Write articles for magazines, send out newsletters or ezines, and publish articles on free web-based magazines.

3. Perform Informative Lectures – Provide valuable Lectures to organizations in your community

4. Wow them with Seminars – Host events that attract people and possible added income to your business

5. Create at Terrific Content-based Website – Provide lots of valuable information on your website to pull in more people

6. Community Activism – Coordinate charity or community events for a admirable cause.

Over the course of my quest, I will explore these ideas plus many more in order to elavate my business to the status of the Obvious Expert.