Thursday, October 4, 2007

Success Thinking: Meeting Your Monthly Income Goals

This month, I set the business goal of achieving $9,000 in gross income. Last month was a huge let down so I wanted to kick it up a notch this month. Amazingly, after only four days this month, I am more than half way to my goal. I guess the marketing seeds I planted last month started to blossom.

This brings me to a great point. When you set stretch goals for yourself, sometimes the number appears daunting at first. Most people take the approach of counting up to the goal. I think this is a recipe for disaster.


Because look at it this way -- if your goal is say $8,000 dollars this month, most people will break it down by week or … $2,000 the 1st week, $4,000 the 2nd week, etc. If after the first week, we make $1,500 then the second week, we need to make $2,500 to catch up.

So what is our focus now?

That you’re behind! The law of attraction says that your attracting the behind feeling into your life. You watch as ever week gets even worse until you finally give up, resigning to do better next month.

There’s a better way

Instead of counting up to our goal, everyday break the month into a daily goal. For example, your goal is $8000 and there’s 30 days in the month.

$8,000 divide by 30 = $266.67
On the first day, you attempted to make $266.67.

If you earned $4,600 by day 19,
$8000 minus $4,600 = $3,400 left to earn. Divide $3,400 by 11 days left equals $309.09.

This process puts your focus on the right questions (see blog on Power of Focus for information). Now, you’re morning question is “How can I make $309.09, today?”

These types of questions attract answers and action into your life that will help you achieve your goals.