Monday, October 29, 2007

Breakthrough Psychological Barriers

For October, a made the goal of reaching $9,000 in income which is $1,000 higher than my best month. I focused on the right things - new enrollments, and upgrade. Last week, I smashed that goal and $50 away from making $10,000.

I have three days to find $50. Why is it so important to achieve $10,000? Because… $10,000 represents a psychological barrier and a huge landmark. One year ago, it seemed almost unachievable, and now it seems inevitable. I find once the landmark is achieved it’s easier to repeat the results.

On the other side of the coin, last month was the most expensive month. I had some huge unexpected added expenses. My business landlord back charged us for all of the additional maintenance for the last year. The cost was an additional $1500. One of my goals is to buy commercial property so that this stuff will not happen. Plus, I had some lawyer fees to pay in the amount of $500.

Next month, my goal will be to maintain the $10,000 in income and reduce my business expenses by $2000.