Since the holidays, it’s been difficult getting back in the groove of blogging.
I read Leo's post called 7 Essential Tips to Make 2008 Your Best Year Ever at Zen Habits. His first tip is about having one simple goal. I agree with him that one goal refines your focus so hitting the bulls eye of your goal becomes easier.
With this idea in mind, I examined my monthly roll up statistics. Tracking specific areas of my Martial Arts business enables me to target areas for improvement.
Main Categories of My Statistics
- Inquiries (how many people contacted me)
- Introductory Lessons (how many people tried the program)
- Enrollments (how many people joined)
- Total Students (total number of members)
- Attrition Rate (percentage of cancellations)
- Student Value (the amount of revenues each student creates)
I took these statistics and compared them to my industries benchmarks. This year, my inquiries to enrollments rate went from 15% to 25% meaning that I improved in my sales presentation. The interesting part is that I improved despite the fact that tuition rates increased 20% since prior year. Lesson Learned: pricing is elastic and people are willing to pay more for better service.
Okay, on to my simple 2008 business goal, I realized that the number of inquiries limits my schools growth. If your average attrition rate is 5% (I was below 5% for the year), a school of 100 students loses 5 students per month. At a 25% inquiry to enrollment rate, I need to find 20 inquiries per month to sign up 5 new students. If I accomplish this goal consistently over the next few months, my school will grow to 100 students.
There you have it.
My Simple 2008 Business Goal = generate 20 new inquiries per month
If my attrition rate is better than 5%, I will reach my goal quicker.
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