Friday, January 25, 2008

Making Tough Decisions

As a business owner and entrepreneur, we need to make tough decisions. Well, I made the tough decision to cancel our kickboxing program.

From a business standpoint, this makes complete sense. With our growing children’s program, we needed a new time slot for more classes. Since the kid’s program is where most of our profits come, we could not deny this opportunity for growth.


I can’t help but feel sorry for taking this course of action. I build relationships with all the members of the kickboxing and I hope they understand the reasons for my actions. There I go, talking about reason, logic, and the rational. I know from past tough decisions that these things appeal more to the emotions and are much deeper.

I could tell by kickboxing student’s reaction that they were disappointed. I offered to let them into the karate program at a greatly reduced tuition.

They’re still unhappy and I understand completely because I am sad about it too. I loved the kickboxing class because I could jump into the class and get my workout too. Unfortunately, I cannot think of only my needs. We need to think about the needs of the program/ business first.

My next article will go further into the reasons for this change.