Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Those Annoying Door to Door Sales People

It never fails. Everytime, I am at my business and rolling on the highly important items on my to-do list some sales person comes in to sell me another newspaper ad, coupon book, yellow pages, or mailing. It's not that I don't feel advertising is important, but it's the amount of time they waste and most of them create meager results for the cost.

It's best to just get good at saying "No". If you tell them you'll think about it, you open the door for them calling and following up with you, therefore wasting additional time. Saying "No" will thwart 95% of the salesman and send them out your door.

Okay, now for the other 5%. These are the more savvy salesman that won't leave on the initial "No". Sales training teaches these guys to find out what the objection is and they have a response to each objection. The idea is to elevate each objection so that you don't have a reason to buy their product or service. These salesman are great at wasting tremendous amounts of time.

How do you handle these savvy sales people?

It's as easy as not playing their objection game. When you say "You're not interested?" and they ask for the reason why. You can reserve the right to say "No". I tell them that "Sorry, but I don't need to justify my reason to say NO." This stumps them everytime.

If you do want the product or service, then say yes. If it's an advertisement, measure, measure, measure the results. I have separate phone numbers I use on ads to measure the results.

The Million Dollar Business Quest

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