These days, money seems to slip through your fingers as easily as the sands of time. The rich know that in order to build wealth, you must be able to keep money in your pocket and have methods of continuing to increase it’s value over time. Making money work for you is as simple as getting money and using it to create more money.
Essential Steps to Make Your Money Work for You
1. Control your expenses - If you don't control your expenses, your money will come in as a paycheck and disappear as an expense - leaving you living from paycheck to paycheck. This phenomenon happens regardless of your income level. As most people’s income increase, so does their spending. To control your expenses, create a buying policy. For example, waiting at least 24 hours before buying anything valued more than $50 then ask yourself the follow questions, “Is this sometime that I need?” “Do I own something that can serve the same purpose?” “Can I borrow one, find one used, or make one instead of buying new?” Like the defense of professional football team, draft a superior financial defensive line to tackle unnecessary purchases before they happen.2. Save 10% of your earnings - At 10%, you'll see that your money will grow - giving you “attitude money”. What is attitude money? When you have money invested, you feel more secure and abundant, therefore, gaining a better attitude towards money and your financial situation. Okay, most people claim that they can't afford to save 10% of what you earn. Notice that people earn different salaries but are all equally as broke. This signifies that most people just spend as much as they make and don't really control what they're spending. The wealthy find ways to control their expenses and save 10%. Once you start saving 10%, I bet that you will not even notice that it's gone. Make saving this 10% easy by automatically deducting it directly from your paycheck into a wealth account. Essentially, paying yourself first.
3. Generate Passive Income – Now that you have an excess of cash flow and savings, it’s time to create a passive income. Passive income is money generated from sources that require some upfront work and generate a stream of income for a long time. For example, some passive income sources are investments in stocks or bonds, real estate or property rent, writing for Helium, creating a blog, or designing a website that generates advertisement income. These are just a few examples. Let the miracle of compound interest start working for you by building multiple streams of passive income.
4. Increase your current salary – Nothing can increase your worth quicker than receiving a raise or promotion. If you receive a 10% raise, as quick as Clark Kent changing into superman, you become instantly 10% richer. The best way to increase your salary is to “show up” for work. Most people just punch the clock and mill their way through the day. Give your job the full eight hours of attention it deserves. Talk to your boss about your desire to increase your value (read as salary) to the company. Ask yourself what are the five most important tasks to do today that will get you noticed. Assist your boss move up the corporate ladder and like the links of a chain, you will move up too.
5. Create your own Business – Are you going to slave away making all the money for someone else. Creating a side business is a terrific way to earn more money. Start small and follow your passion. Who knows in time, it may become a full time occupation. With a fantastic business and the right mindset, it's possible to work less hours per day and make more money than you did at your regular job. Wouldn't you rather have more time in your life and make more money?
By employing, these five essential strategies to making money work for you, you will begin a snowball effect on your finances. Each day adding snowflakes until the snowball builds momentum. That’s what making your money work for you is all about – overcoming the financial inertia holding wealth at arm’s reach.
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