Thursday, August 30, 2007

Beginning of a Quest

Okay, here we go. The Million Dollar Quest. The BIG 1,000,000. Yes, I am committing to grow a 1M business and write about each step. Along the way, I am going to share my monthly gross revenues. It’s a little scary thinking that I will be sharing my gross revenues to the world.

Why should you tune in?

Well, growing a 1M business will not be easy. The quest will require me to grow mentally, to develop the millionaire mindset. I do the research and you, the reader, gain the knowledge for free. I spent approximately $10,000 last year on personal development; traveling to find mentors, purchasing programs, reading books (I am a speed reader and read 44 books last year), and networking. This year, I plan to boil all this down to simple actionable items for you to use.

In the beginning…

After 8 years of teaching martial arts at a gym in Lambertville, New Jersey, I heard a rumor that one of the gym branches was closing. I thought it was high time to start my own martial arts school. That was three years ago. I moved back to my hometown of Dublin, Pennsylvania and began my dojo as a two day per week part time adventure at a local church gymnasium by only investing $1000.

Since then, my dojo grew. I had to move into the Dublin Shopping Center because of my growing student count and operate the school with a full five day schedule. My final personal victory came at the beginning of this year when my business started generating enough revenue for me to leave my corporate job as a customer service manager. It was a stretch but the best thing I ever did.

Why share?

Why share this personal information about my business with the world.

1. For charity – Ever year, I join about 100 other martial arts in Greenboro, Al (one of the poorest counties in America) and build homes for the poor. Ever year, I have a goal to raise $1000 to the cause. This year, I will match 50% of all the money raised. If this journal is adding value to your life, please give back even $5 to the raise the house fund. If I get 200 readers to donate $5 each, I will reach my goal. Don’t mind if I shamelessly promote this cause throughout the year. Also, I am going to post the amount raised on the sidebar. Please click here to help and pick Tim Rosanelli & Ester Sabidussi - Maximum Impact Karate as the team.

2. Motivation – In order to keep this journal interesting, I need to stay motivated to get interesting material to write about.
3. Accountability – Nothing like making a goal public to hold yourself accountable. I am a very competitive person and don’t wish to look like a fool.
4. Better Service – I know that this kind of focus is going to help my dojo. I will need to teach exciting classes to retain my students, provide suburb service, develop my internal team, and change students’ lives for better testimonials.

Let the quest begin…